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How Much Blast Media Do You Put In a Blast Cabinet?

A picture of a blast cabinet with many fill lines and large text next to it. The text reads, "How Much Media Do You Put in a Blast Cabinet?"

Are you unsure how much blast media to use in your cabinet? Using the correct amount is much more important than you might think. Using the proper amount can make a huge difference in performance, preventing clogs and more. Most users have have a tendency to overfill. How much Blast Media Should You Use in … Read more

What is the Best Abrasive Blast Cabinet Siphon Pickup Tube Upgrade?

A picture collage of blast pickup tube replacements and upgrades and text that reads, "Best blast cabinet siphon pickup tube upgrades"

What is the best abrasive blast cabinet siphon tube upgrade or modification? The answer might surprise you. The best upgrade is to eliminate it all together. Each and every day we tell customers about the benefits of converting a siphon tube blast cabinet to a metering valve setup. The difference in blasting performance is unbelievable. … Read more

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